Strange "Alien" frequency waves detected near Ancient City Enshi, China

On April 19, 2017 a very strange seismogram signature shows up from the middle of China, near the ancient city of Enshi.

Reports of strange events throughout the world continue, like the caldera of the Turrialba Volcano in Costa Rico which exploded unexpectedly on April 17, 2017.

I don't know if UFOs were involved in the sudden eruption of the volcano but it is remarkable that two unidentified flying objects have been spotted close to another volcano (Irazu volcano) in Costa Rica days before the Turrialba volcano erupted. The sighting is reported to The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) under case nr. 83221.

But the strange vibrations/waves near the ancient city of Enshi is a real mystery as the seismogram showed a long duration frequency that has persisted for the last 24 hours and matches nothing like we've ever seen before on these instruments.

Either the vibrations/waves are man-made or of a natural signature… nothing really even close, it’s almost alien, really odd.