That time UFOs attacked 2,000 people who were hit by light beams

The Colares UFO incidents refer to a series of unusual sightings and encounters that took place in 1977 on the Brazilian island of Colares. During this period, numerous residents from the Amazon River community of Colares reported being attacked by UFOs. 

These mysterious objects allegedly descended from the sky, and in some cases, emerged from the water, emitting intense beams of light. The beams caused physical harm, including burn marks, puncture wounds, fatigue, and memory loss, affecting as many as 2,000 people. 

In response to the alarming situation, the Brazilian Air Force initiated a thorough investigation. Years later, their findings were made public, revealing details of this bizarre chapter in UFO history. 

Weaponized hosts Jeremy and George speak with Thiago Ticchetti, Brazil's leading UFO investigator and author, to discuss the Colares case and the once-classified military files. 

According to Thiago, the Brazilian military captured remarkably clear film footage and photographs of the UFOs. However, he claims that this evidence was sent to the U.S. and has never been released to the public. 

In this episode, they also explores various conspiracy theories and recent debunking efforts surrounding the topic of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). 

The discussion on the Colares UFO incidents begins at the 37-minute mark in the video.