What is interesting, the UFO looks like the Star Trek's USS Enterprise. Besides, according to Youtube account ufovni2012, the ISS has a similar design.
Star Trek USS Enterprise
Image: Gulliver's travels - Gulliver discovers laputa, the flying island.
But, from where or from whom the producers got their ideas for the realistic looking Star Trek's USS Enterprise and advanced technologies used by the crew of the Enterprise?
Claims of Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, Andrew Basiago and Laura M. Eisenhower, and others, that US military has developed secret space programs, since the '40s.
Project Pegasus (space/time travel) begun in 1968. Project Pegasus was the classified, defense-related research and development program under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Bottom line: The US military has made a deal with the producers to show advanced technologies in the movies, as part of a high level strategic plan?