You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space.
It orbits our Sun in a far elliptical orbit, and is said to be 4x's the size of Jupiter! It has a helium and hydrogen atmosphere. It's most likely to have moons! This planet fits the exact description of Planet X or Nibiru.
Scientists have known about this planet since 1983 and they've been using WISE and IRAS to monitor it. See the 1983 Washington Post "Front Page" Story.
This image is taken from 2011 Google Sky and it shows a green square. What is Google hiding behind this square? Is this the position of Nibiru about 4 years ago? Check out the coordinates: 8 20 03, -17 53 34
The last two/three years there is not too much news on this planet X or Nibiru.
Agreements have been made, between the main stream media and government agencies not to publish articles related to the planet X / Nibiru issue, since NASA mistakenly confirms Planet X / Nibiru during a conference in 2011 for updating information about the database of near-Earth asteroids in our solar system, tracked by Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope?
It’s hard to get the real proof of the existence of planet X / Nibiru but on October 20, 2014 a skywatcher in Houstan has filmed a remarkable phenomenon what looks like a second sun or a planet.
Below the amazing footage.
It orbits our Sun in a far elliptical orbit, and is said to be 4x's the size of Jupiter! It has a helium and hydrogen atmosphere. It's most likely to have moons! This planet fits the exact description of Planet X or Nibiru.
Scientists have known about this planet since 1983 and they've been using WISE and IRAS to monitor it. See the 1983 Washington Post "Front Page" Story.
This image is taken from 2011 Google Sky and it shows a green square. What is Google hiding behind this square? Is this the position of Nibiru about 4 years ago? Check out the coordinates: 8 20 03, -17 53 34
The last two/three years there is not too much news on this planet X or Nibiru.
Agreements have been made, between the main stream media and government agencies not to publish articles related to the planet X / Nibiru issue, since NASA mistakenly confirms Planet X / Nibiru during a conference in 2011 for updating information about the database of near-Earth asteroids in our solar system, tracked by Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) telescope?
It’s hard to get the real proof of the existence of planet X / Nibiru but on October 20, 2014 a skywatcher in Houstan has filmed a remarkable phenomenon what looks like a second sun or a planet.
Below the amazing footage.