Army whistleblower revelations, Huge structures under the earth - Linda Molton Howe

Linda Molton Howe discusses several actual topics including a revealing interview with retired U.S. Army Whistleblower.


AAAS Science Journal article on Ultra Low Velocity Zone frequencies
 - Huge structures at core-mantle boundary - Huge structure 621 mile in diameter
 - Huge structures under Africa 
 - “These are among the largest things inside the earth, and we have no idea” 

 Searching the skies - scientists say the most likely number of alien civilizations is 36
- The Drake Equation calculates the estimate for the number of intelligent life civilizations 
 - New equation estimate between 4 and 211 civilization in the Milky Way alone. 

 Retired U.S. Army Whistleblowers Edward Keith Abbott interview
 - “Other Worldly Communications” centre - Space program in 2007 
 - “We went to Iraq to plunder artifacts”…”from other civilizations that came to earth and started the whole program”.
 - “We are the fourth civilization on this earth.” 
 - Spotted v-shaped craft over his house in Ewa, Hawaii.
 - Craft chased by Blackhawk helicopters and it dove into the water.