Huge Alien Spaceship Captured Using The Sun As A Stargate

On July 23, 2020, NASA's (SOHO) Lasco C2 satellite shows the moment a coronal mass ejection came off of the right side of the sun, when a weird anomaly appeared in the solar flare for a split second.

Maybe the anomaly was just a cosmic ray but I have never seen that quite large and bright, it looks more like a spaceship similar to a fighter jet as you see it on an aircraft carrier.

It is said that interdimensional alien craft accessing our solar system using the Sun as a stargate, entering and exiting from dimensional portals in the Sun. 

Is the sun a natural stargate, a portal to other solar systems and what you are seeing is a huge alien spaceship using the solar flare to enter or to exit a portal in the sun?

Video: Possible alien spaceship starts at 2.40.