Our DNA reveals the human race is the result of alien genetic manipulation

In our article from 2013 'Scientific proof human race was created by aliens' we have written about the various scientific studies that indicate that the so-called 97% non-coding sequences originally known as "junk DNA" in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is "Off-world" in origin and the complete 'program' was positively not written on Earth and that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution. 

In the next video of Ancient Aliens episode 'Dark Secrets of Alien-Human Genetics' more evidence is provided that all humans are the result of alien genetic manipulation. 

Transcript: In the middle of the night in 2008, 20-year-old Charmaine de Roserio Sage was sleeping when she was abruptly awakened by a terrifying sight: a reptilian humanoid standing over her. Charmaine describes the encounter vividly: "I woke up, and a reptilian entered the room. We went to an underground cave where a group of reptilians surrounded me. Each one placed a hand on my body, and I began to change. It was an extraordinary but bizarre experience to watch my body morph from a human form into a reptilian one, with my smooth skin transforming into scales and a tail emerging." 

Charmaine claims that during this experience, she learned that all humans are the result of alien genetic manipulation, although some people are more affected than others. She believes that different extraterrestrial races have visited Earth throughout history and have selectively manipulated certain groups of humans. According to her, these alien interventions are part of an ongoing war between various intelligent species, fighting over territory and involving the creation and manipulation of life forms. 

In 2010, biologists led by Sante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology made a remarkable discovery. They found that early humans not only coexisted with other primitive hominids but also interbred with them. Even more astonishing was the suggestion that another, unidentified species might also be represented in human DNA. This finding challenges the traditional view of human evolution as a straightforward progression from earlier hominids to modern humans. 

Dr. John Hawks, an anthropologist from the University of Wisconsin, conducted a comprehensive analysis of human DNA and discovered that the rate of genetic evolution in the past 5,000 years has been 100 times faster than in any previous 5,000-year period. This raises the question: what caused such rapid changes in human DNA? Is it possible that extraterrestrial beings interbred with humans within the last 5,000 years, leading to these significant genetic alterations? 

One notable case occurred in Sydney, Australia, in July 1992. Peter Khoury awoke one night to find himself paralyzed and unable to speak, with a strange, milky-white-skinned woman with large eyes and sharp features straddling his body. Another woman, with Asian features, stood nearby. The blonde woman touched her stomach, pointed to the sky, and then both women disappeared, leaving behind a single strand of blonde hair. 

Khoury took the hair to a laboratory for DNA analysis, and the results were surprising. The hair was optically clear, unlike any human hair, and contained a rare combination of Chinese and Celtic DNA. While it didn't conclusively prove an alien origin, it did indicate something highly unusual. 

In May 2013, mathematician Vladimir Shcherbak and astrobiologist Maxim Makukov published a study suggesting that the human genome contains a hidden code with precise mathematical patterns and an unknown symbolic language. Their research led them to believe that an extraterrestrial "stamp" might be embedded in our DNA, pointing to deliberate manipulation by alien beings in the distant past. 

For ancient astronaut theorists, this finding supports the idea that extraterrestrials targeted human DNA with artificial mutations, potentially creating a form of organic robots—intelligent beings designed by advanced alien civilizations. This theory also raises the possibility that our own drive to create cybernetically enhanced versions of ourselves might be a continuation of the same agenda initiated by our extraterrestrial creators. 

In 1966, scientists made a groundbreaking discovery by deciphering the genetic code, revealing that DNA is structured in clusters of three molecules known as codons or triplets. This discovery was revolutionary because it hinted at the possibility that the ultimate proof of extraterrestrial involvement in our past might be found within our own DNA, rather than in physical artifacts like crashed spaceships. 

Ancient astronaut theorists argue that this triplet structure in DNA might be evidence of extraterrestrial tampering, suggesting that the number three holds a key to understanding our genetic language and our connection to otherworldly beings. 

Could this be the ultimate proof that humanity's origins are not solely earthly but are intertwined with extraterrestrial influences?