Two Bright Lights hovering over Southern Alberta, Canada - Mar 21 2014

Sam Martine says she and her daughter were watching TV when they saw two bright lights hovering over a field less than a kilometer away from their home.

Martine says when they went out on the porch for a closer look the lights quickly flew towards them, spooking their cattle.

"Then the light just started coming straight at us and it went straight over our house and headed to the northwest behind us," said Martine. "I've never seen anything like that before."

Martine's 14-year-old daughter Baylie tried to take a picture of the objects with her cellphone, but said the camera was acting weird. "The picture went completely green and later on that night it ended up deleting itself."

Sam Martine was able to get her DSLR camera working, but only got a few photos. They are still not sure what they saw.

While experts aren't convinced this is a UFO, they say UFO sightings in Alberta are quite common.