Current Media Events and Hints of a Fake Alien Invasion

Jenny Haase interviews Dara Percival from The Conscious Reporter, on her article Current Media Events and Hints of a Fake Alien Invasion.

"With hints of an alien invasion increasingly mentioned in the mainstream media, this article examines the possibility the world is being prepared for a false flag alien attack that would serve as a catalyst for military expansion."

Though most of the info in the video is well known and doesn't shed much light on the Cabal and what they are currently doing or trying to do... except they maintain their control over us by keeping us constantly distracted be it war, religion, politics, entertainment etc. because their biggest fear is when people wake up and think as one.

We know how hard the Cabal media has been pushing their false flag alien invasion agenda and the Cabal knows that most people still accepts false flags events as real because of ignorance on the subject, so the possibility of another false flag by them might be in the works.

However, the more and more people do make a stand for their rights, speak up, and inform themselves, then yes, I think that it will be more difficult to accept a false flag event.

In the end, it's up to us, and for some people, even if the reality is obvious and they can see it, it can be too terrifying to accept the evil behind these false-flag events that they prefer to believe the lies and will defend these lies very much so.