Earthquake Forecast - USA, Asia and Pacific - Serious Movement Occurring

The past week has shown a new round of increased activity in the West, North, and East Pacific .. additionally movement crept across to Europe and to the West coast of the United States (California).

Two large M7.2 and M7.3 earthquakes occurred in the North Pacific, Alaska and Kamchatka Russia... both occurring at a semi-deep level between 80-100 miles depth.

This means we need to keep watch in the areas to the West Southwest of Kamchatka, along the Himalayan range, as well as the silent areas named in the video.

Dutchsinse warns us for the possibility of a coming large earthquake over this next week. (First week of February 2016).

Major unrest has taken place this past week, and the threat of a larger earthquake is looming - something larger than the current Two M7.2's which struck the North Pacific the past few days.

Clearly areas across the whole planet moved with noteworthy activity, including Gibraltar South Europe, and the West coast of the United States.

So many different M4.0 - M5.0 earthquakes in the West Pacific, it becomes hard to see the map, also several deep earthquakes striking in succession all around Fiji , Tonga, and even Indonesia.

All this movement is a precursor to larger activity which should strike in the near term (next several days, up to 1 week). The area to be struck with the large earthquake should be a nearby adjacent "silent" area which has not yet moved.

With all the activity around the region, there are only a few spots which stand out as still being "quiet" - South Japan, West Indonesia, Himalayan Range (Nepal to Afghanistan), Mexico / Central America, Vancouver Island , Pacific Northwest United States, and the coast of Peru / Chile.

7 silent areas plus at least two deep earthquake locations where movement should occur nearby.

Overall, this means the next 7 days should pan out to be more active than one might normally expect - have a plan, and be prepared just in case things strike out to sea, or in populated areas.