Mysterious Spherical Space Object Appears Again Next To The Sun

In our article 'Massive Spherical Space Object Disturbed NASA’s Satellite H1' we reported that on November 17, 2016 the camera on NASA's satellite H1 captured an unknown giant spherical object.

Now, on November 30, 2016 the same object re-appeared in front of the H1 camera.

It is clear what happened on the 17th and now again on the 30th is not the result of a glitch of the camera or an equipment failure.

There was much speculation that the object might be an extraterrestrial spacecraft or an unknown celestial body like the infamous planet X/Nibiru. Now, the last images show something new that looks like a projection beam coming from the left side.

Suppose the unknown light source is a projection beam, then the object could be a hologram?

We have to think in terms of project blue beam or maybe we're living in a virtual reality world and the object we see is not real, but merely a glitch in the Matrix system?

Whatever it may be, let’s wait and see if it appears again.