Amazing Interdimensional Alien Orb caught on deer cam in Alma Center, Wisconsin

Orbs are still a big mystery and recent images of such an Orb captured on a deer cam in Alma Center, Wisconsin show again that this phenomenon is still not understood.

The images clearly show that the Orb lights up before it moves away from a tree, next it is hanging motionless in the sky for more than 1 hour.

What stands out is that this Orb which is actually an interdimensional alien vehicle is surrounded by an electromagnetic field which is said to be used for navigation, transportation and propulsion as well as for protection of the energy and shield the beings inside the Orb.

The GIF-animation above shows the Orb lights up before it moves away from the tree and the electromagnetic field around the Orb as it is hanging motionless in the sky.

The deer cam owner who submitted the images to Mufon said: I caught this glowing object on my deer cam camera. I am retired and a vivid bowhunter. I have 4 photos that have a time span of 1 hour 43 mins.

The first two photos are 1 min apart and show a bright object near my food plot. Photos 3 and 4 the object is closer and in photo 4 it is over a deer. The photos of 3 and 4 are also a minute apart.

The date is wrong in the photos. My camera faces south and it is not the moon in the photo because it is never that low in the southern sky. Also the camera will only take a picture if something is moving. The night of the 17th of July was calm with no wind. I have never seen something this strange.