Why is there NO Record of Ancient Humans? - Randall Carlson

Randall Carlson is a master builder and designer, a geologist, anthropologist and historian. He specializes in sacred geometry, ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change, myths, legends, cosmic cycles and catastrophes.

He is a proponent of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, and has theorized about the extinction of historical advanced human civilizations.

Dailygrail explains that the video below takes the audio (and some video) from one of Randall's lectures, and combines it with illustrations and stock video footage to bring what he's saying to life.

In the lecture Randall discusses the fact that there have been many 'apocalyptic' events over the last 150,000 years - the period of 'modern humans' - and that they appear to happen in a regular, cyclic manner.

For the reasons he outlines in the lecture, this means that we today are walking around amongst the ruins of many lost civilisations.

We literally have built our own world in our own social system on top of and out of the wreckage of former worlds.