Project Blue Beam: Fact or Fiction? 'The Fake Alien Attack Conspiracy'

Imagine waking up one morning to a world where everything you know is turned upside down. Overnight, groundbreaking (false) archaeological discoveries challenge the foundations of every major religion, leaving society in turmoil and disbelief. 

Before you can even comprehend what’s happening, the sky begins to change. Towering, hyper-realistic projections of gods appear above major cities worldwide, communicating directly with their followers, not through spoken words, but telepathically. 

As panic grips the planet, reports of UFO sightings flood the news. Global leaders urge people to unite in the face of an impending extraterrestrial threat. In just two days, the world you once knew has crumbled. 

This scenario sounds like a plot from a science fiction movie, but some conspiracy theorists believe this could be part of a secret agenda known as Project Blue Beam, an alleged psyop designed by powerful elites to bring about a New World Order and reshape society. 

Serge Monast was such a conspiracy theorist. He is mostly known for his promotion of the Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory, Under the guise of a heart attack he died in his home in December 1996 at age 51. 

According to Serge Monast Project Blue Beam has four stages: 

Step 1: Discrediting Archaeological Knowledge. 
The first phase involves revealing falsified archaeological findings that call into question the core beliefs of every major religion, creating widespread confusion and societal disruption. 

Step 2: Global Holographic Projections of Religious Figures.
A "space show" is staged where three-dimensional holographic projections of messianic figures appear in the skies over different regions of the world, each corresponding to the dominant religious beliefs in that area. 

Step 3: Telepathic Communication. 
The third phase involves the use of advanced technology to simulate telepathic communication, where individuals believe they are receiving direct messages from their deities or spiritual leaders. 

Step 4: The Grand Deception. The final stage is divided into three parts: 
1. Convincing the global population that an alien invasion is imminent in every major city. 
2. Persuading Christians that the Rapture is about to occur. 
3. Using a mix of electronic manipulation and supernatural forces to create an illusion that will penetrate all forms of communication and technology, even infiltrating household appliances. 

While many people dismiss Project Blue Beam as pure fantasy, the theory raises an unsettling question: could such a grand deception ever really be pulled off? And if so, how can we prepare for the possibility of such a dramatic upheaval?