EBANI stands for "Unidentified Anomalous Biological Entity," referring to a mysterious class of airborne phenomena that may be biological rather than mechanical in nature. These entities are often described as elongated, flexible, and tubular, moving through the sky in a serpentine or twisting manner.
They exhibit advanced flight capabilities, including high-speed travel, precise control, and even self-illumination. Some have been observed rendering themselves invisible, raising questions about their energy sources and possible technological origins.
Recent observations have revealed formations of translucent spheres in red, white, and blue, challenging conventional classifications of both biology and aerodynamics.
Some of these entities have a massive structure composed of thousands of clustered spheres. These entities appear to function as an aircraft carrier, releasing these smaller spheres into Earth's atmosphere for an unknown purpose.
While some researchers propose that EBANIs are natural organisms evolving in Earth's upper atmosphere under unfamiliar physical laws, others speculate they may be advanced artificial (eventually biological) constructs, potentially extraterrestrial probes or surveillance devices, given the presence of large structures expelling numerous smaller spheres.
Are they living UFOs, advanced biological organisms that function autonomously within the spheres, without the need for pilots?